ethnomusicology — [eth΄nō myo͞o΄zi käl′ə jē] n. 1. the study of the music of a particular region and its sociocultural implications, esp. of music outside the European art tradition 2. the comparative study of the music of different cultural groups… … English World dictionary
Ethnomusicology — This article is about the area of study. For the society and academic journal, see Society for Ethnomusicology. Ethnomusicologist Frances Densmore recording Blackfoot chief Mountain Chief for the Bureau of American Ethnology (1916)… … Wikipedia
ethnomusicology — ethnomusicological /eth noh myooh zi keuh loj i keuhl/, adj. ethnomusicologically, adv. ethnomusicologist, n. /eth noh myooh zi kol euh jee/, n. the study of folk and primitive music and of their relationship to the peoples and cultures to which… … Universalium
ethnomusicology — noun Date: 1950 1. the study of music that is outside the European art tradition 2. the study of music in a sociocultural context • ethnomusicological adjective • ethnomusicologist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
ethnomusicology — noun The study of music and culture; the study of music as it relates to its cultural context … Wiktionary
ethnomusicology — study of comparative musical systems Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
ethnomusicology — n. branch of musicology that concentrates on researching the music of various cultural and ethnic groups … English contemporary dictionary
ethnomusicology — noun the study of the music of different cultures. Derivatives ethnomusicologic adjective ethnomusicological adjective ethnomusicologist noun … English new terms dictionary
ethnomusicology — eth·no·musicology … English syllables
ethnomusicology — eth•no•mu•si•col•o•gy [[t]ˌɛθ noʊˌmyu zɪˈkɒl ə dʒi[/t]] n. soc ant mad the study of folk or native music, esp. of non Western cultures, and its relationship to the society to which it belongs • Etymology: 1945–50 eth no•mu si•co•log′i•cal kəˈlɒdʒ … From formal English to slang