
   Name derived from the Nahuatl word peyotl for the buttons of a cactus indigenous to Mexico and the southwestern United States. Its ingestion is central to the rituals of the Native American Church and Huichol (Wixáritari) shamans. Academic and enthusiastic interpreters often privilege the vision-inducing or hallucinogenic effects of peyote, as they do with other plant and mushroom derivatives, and portray its emetic, vomit-inducing properties as an unfortunate side effect. However, vomiting is central to many shamanic rituals, purifying participants and preparing them for encounters with significant other-than-human persons, including adjusted styles of communication with the plant-persons themselves. Carlos Castaneda’s early books stressed the need for peyote’s help in achieving consciousness of other helpers who would aid one in seeking a good way to live. Louis Lewin published the first systematic study of the pharmacology of peyote in 1886, and included it among the “Phantastica” (rather than the “Inebriantia,” “Exitantia,” “Euphorica,” or “Hypnotica”) in his encyclopedic classification of drugs and psychoactives (Phantastica, 1924). The first English translation of Lewin’s book (1931) was read almost immediately by Aldous Huxley and had a considerable impact on him, resulting in years of experimentation in altering states of consciousness as a form of mysticism. Edward Anderson’s book (1996) publishes more recent research about the “divine cactus.”

Historical dictionary of shamanism. . 2007.

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  • peyote — mescal cactus, 1849, from Mex.Sp. peyote, from Nahuatl peyotl, said to mean caterpillar; the cactus so called from the downy button on top …   Etymology dictionary

  • peyote — 1. cactus del que se obtiene un fármaco alucinógeno, la mescalina. 2. mescalina. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 …   Diccionario médico

  • peyote — sustantivo masculino 1. Planta de efectos narcóticos de la que se obtiene la mescalina …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • peyote — (Del nahua peyotl, capullo de gusano). 1. m. Planta cactácea, de pequeño tamaño, que contiene una sustancia cuya ingestión produce efectos alucinógenos y narcóticos. 2. Droga que se obtiene de esta planta …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • peyote — ☆ peyote [pā ōt′ lpā ōt′ē ] n. [AmSp < Nahuatl peyotl, caterpillar, with reference to the down in the center] MESCAL (sense 3): also peyotl [pā ōt′ l] …   English World dictionary

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  • peyote — /pay oh tee/; Sp. /pe yaw te/, n., pl. peyotes / teez/; Sp. / tes/. 1. mescal (def. 3). 2. See mescal button. 3. mescaline. 4. (in Mexico) any of several cacti related to or resembling mescal. [1840 50 …   Universalium

  • Peyote — ► sustantivo masculino BOTÁNICA Planta cactácea, de forma globular, pequeña, de color verde blanquecino, de flores blancas o rosáceas, que tiene propiedades narcotizantes. (Echinocactus williamsii.) * * * peyote (del nahua «peyotl») m. Nombre de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • peyote — also peyotl noun Etymology: Mexican Spanish peyote, from Nahuatl peyotl peyote cactus Date: 1849 1. a hallucinogenic drug containing mescaline that is derived from peyote buttons and used especially in the religious ceremonies of some American… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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