Chas S. Clifton — (1951 )[1] is an American author and editor of several books on the history of contemporary Paganism and Wicca and edits both The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies[2] (a peer reviewed religious studies journal) and the Pagan … Wikipedia
Bibliography — As the scope of the dictionary entries and extent of this bibliography make clear, there is a huge range of literature on shamans, from introductory works, general discussions on such topics as definition, and culture specific ethnographic… … Historical dictionary of shamanism
Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches — Title page of the original 1899 edit … Wikipedia
Paganism (contemporary religious movements) — For other uses, see Neo Pagan (disambiguation). A Rodnover ritual in modern Russia. Rodnovery is a Pagan religion that attempts to recreate forms of pre Christian Russian religion. Paganism, which is also referred to as contemporary Paganism, Neo … Wikipedia
Paganism (contemporary) — For other uses, see Neo Pagan (disambiguation). A Rodnover ritual in modern Russia. Rodnovery is a Pagan religion that attempts to recreate forms of pre Christian Russian religion. Paganism, which is also referred to as contemporary Paganism, Neo … Wikipedia
Church of Aphrodite — Gleb Botkin used this symbol of Aphrodite on the vestments for his Church of Aphrodite. The Church of Aphrodite is a Neopagan religious group founded in 1938 by Gleb Botkin (1900–1969), a Russian émigré to the United States. Monotheistic in… … Wikipedia
Roy Bowers — (1931 1966), aka Robert Cochrane, was a British cunning man and one of the most famous figures in modern witchcraft of non Wiccan variety. His coven, the Clan of Tubal Cain, was running contemporaneously with Gerald Gardner s early covens, and… … Wikipedia
Robert Cochrane (witch) — Robert Cochrane Born 26 January 1931 London, England Died 3 July 1966(1966 07 03) (aged 35) … Wikipedia
Mastering Witchcraft — Mastering Witchcraft: A Practical Guide for Witches, Warlocks and Covens is a book written by Paul Huson and published in 1970 by G.P. Putnams the first mainstream publisher to produce a do it yourself manual for the would be witch or warlock[1] … Wikipedia
History of Wicca — dablink|This page has been split from a larger and more general article on Wicca.Much uncertainty surrounds the history of Wicca. The religion first came to public notice in the early 1950s through press articles and a book entitled Witchcraft… … Wikipedia